I put this page together to share our adventures of with our Gypsies as well as sharing tips on hair care, our feeding program, and any general helpful information to pass along.
Blanche & Jack
It's August! Wow! Time to get back on track. Lot's has been going on around the ranch and the horses are all happy and healthy! Teddy our new gelding, need to get his pictures up and a little info about him is getting in shape and doing well in his training. I have been focusing on his trail work as my father-in-law will be using him when we go elk hunting in Idaho.
The B&B has been hopping and keeping me VERY busy, so our horse camping trips have been very limited but thats okay, its worth it! We don't have what we have without sacrifice and very hard work.
I am very proud of Master Plan getting all our girls covered this year as he is just two. His foal crop will be one to watch. Master Plan has got to enjoy most of the spring and summer with the mares and foals and he and Hiccup are BFF. Ellie is sold to an amazing home in Canada and her new owner wants her as a riding horse, so MP will have to say bye to the ladies till I deliver Ellie next month.
I have one more show to attend the first weekend in Oct. Not sure who I will be taking yet, I was hoping to take Prada but with two new business this year and starting Ellie for her new owner and keeping up with Teddy & Irish's training Prada is on the back burner:(
We are heading to England soon, so I will have some great surprises to share soon.
Off to work Teddy.
Be nice, Be humble, Be true, Be you, smile! Have a great day!!
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